Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Post 200

Congrats to me on 200 blog posts.

Today I put two new peices on DeviantArt. A couple of flashes I did last nite. Someone commented on one of them.


Then she added it to her favorites. I am astounded.

SEMO is running smoothly again. No suprises here. Still no CoH on the network, but I'm looking to change that.

Here's hoping that happens soon, Issue 5 is live.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Dashboard Confessional

It should be well documented by now that I do not like Dashboard Confessional. Everyone has their beliefs as to why, and I'm here to explain it to everyone.

I do not like Dashboard Confessional. It's not because they're emo. It's not because I think they suck. In all honesty I think they are a group of very talented musicians.

Dashboard Confessional reminds me of a point in my life that I am not proud of. I do not like to think about it. I do not like to talk about it. I was depressed, I did stupid things (Desi, anyone?). The sound of that man's voice does nothing but remind me of that time.

And because of that, I cannot in all honesty enjoy Dashboard. I can hear it, I can stand it being played so don't think I will go crazy if I hear it. Just know that I will not be a fan.

For the same reason millions of people can't drink tequilla. Bad memories.

400 Point ClusterFuck Team

Below is the team I used when I was victorious against Jheet and Zach in HeroClix. It's a 400 point IndyClix band known as Team Clusterfuck.

109 point Judge Dredd
89 point Bron
54 point Natalia Kassle
54 point Arashi
48 point Death Demon
46 point Kabuki

400 points of ouch.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

A Silent Basement

First and foremost: Sin City makes me gasm. A lot.

The basement is empty aside from the mouse, the kitten, and myself. Aside from the mouse and typing of these keys it is completely silent. It allows for a great deal of inner thinking.

Friday I go back. I'm ready, but I'm not. The time spent with the crew over the summer was not at all what I wanted it to be, nor was it numerous enough to compensate for time gone. I don't think I will be home next summer, or else I would say we could always pick it up next year.

I'm not one to be a victim of homesickness, and few people are privy to seeing me in any sort of an emotional state. But as I type I can feel the tears well. I know I am to suffer a great loss in the comming days, and I feel that while they were available to me I did not fully take advantage of those who are known as my closest friends.

I want you all to know I miss you all. Even now, before I am actually gone. Know that wherever I go, a piece of all of you goes with me. I am who I am because of all of you.

Thank you.

Monday, August 15, 2005


Song of the Week (what?! it still exists? you bet): Shatterday by Vendetta Red

News in my life: Lisa's birthday was this past Saturday. I bought her a ring in the design of the claddagh, silver with an aquamarine heart. The blue goes well with her eyes. She enjoys it very much, which in turn brings me great joy. I love her so much. Saturday at 12 am we began the party. Actually it was closer to 1, because we waited for John and Christina to get in from JC. Then the four of us, along with Zach, Ellie, and Stevie began the viewing of bootlegs and the consumption of beverage. I held a suprising amount of liquor without getting drunk in the slightest.


Saturday was also the Mid Mo Musicfest. Which unfortunately got rained out. I stayed to help take things down. Soaked to the bone.

Yesterday night something soaked in batery acid clawed its way out of my back door. It hurt like hellfire.

Issue 5 for CoH needs to hurry and release.

Friday I move back to Cape. Friday I take the papers into the West Park Mall Hot Topic that will begin my employment there. I can't tell if I'm excited or what.


Thursday, August 11, 2005


Currently Watching: Conan the Destroyer
Current Mood: Donde esta me DnD?

Called Caitlin at Hot Topic today. My transfer down to Cape Girardeau is currently in the mix. It shouldn't be a problem, unless the DM who has never met me decides she doesn't like me. Lisa might be home late this evening, which excites me. I don't know why, but this past time apart has seemed much longer than the past ones. Oh well, I move to Cape soon, so that won't be a problem.

I just watched two hummingbirds fight outside my window.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Reinvention of Self

I'm so sick of this place. I want to be gone. But I want the crew to come with. Which of course they can't.

As of late I have felt unsatisfied with the majority of things that once brought me great joy. DnD seemed bland this summer. CoH seems to hav become more like a competetion when I play with the crew. Except when I play with JHeet. But that's a rare opportunity.

Music is another good example. I love music, but as of late music just seems to not appeal to me. Concerts don't have the allure they once did. I used to live for concerts. But all this summer I just haven't felt like bothering. Pointfest was a good example. I was excited, but once I was there it was just kind of...meh.

Maybe it's just the stress of the summer collapsing in upon itself like a dead star. School will start soon, which simplifies things greatly but at the same time adds a whole new level of stress that makes me hurt slightly. I don't know. Maybe I'm just crazy.

Maybe it's time for a reinvention. A new way. A new method. But I wouldn't know how to go about it. I've been me my whole life, I've done the same thing for 19 (almost 20, now) years.

Lisa's birthday is this weekend. Her present should arrive tommorow. I get paid Friday. I get my hair cut Friday as well. To about the length it was when I got my DL picture.

Who's got two thumbs and is stressed about nothing in general but at the same time almost everything in general to the point where he almost wants to throw in the towel?

This guy.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Wednesday Morning

Time: 12:08
Viewing: Judge Dredd
Which is all the sweeter because: I just finished pwning JHeet and Zachmo in HeroClix using my Clusterfuck Indyclix team. It had a 109 point Judge Dredd in it.

I miss Lisa something terrible. I hate it that the opportunity arose for me to go spend a great deal of time with her and I was unable to grasp it. Stupid job.

She is stressed, which causes me stress. As close to her birthday as it is she shouldn't have to be stressed. I hope I can help her have a most awesome birthday, that would make my weekend.

Anyway, I guess I'm done on here now, back to my movie.

Monday, August 08, 2005

God Damn

God damn the Fantanas.

Sunday, August 07, 2005


No longer artistic OR entertaining.


I dunno about all that, I thuroughly enjoy DOG, Inked, and Chriss Angel.

If my comic book thing doesn't fly Lisa has said she could see me doing tattoos. Something I've definately thought about.

Miami Ink is also good.

I really want to get into a graduate school that has a sequential art program.

For all you non-dorks out there sequential art is the term coined by the late, great Will Eisner for the art of comics and comic books. Sequential art.

Friday, August 05, 2005

.sdrawkcab si gnihtyreve ekiL .desserts ylrevo leef I



That was actually kinda fun. I don't feel so stressed now. :)

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Down in Cape

Lisa came up Monday and kidnapped me. We came down to Cape yesterday, we're heading back to Fulton so we can Osman.

She totally came out of left field with this kidnapping thing. If my mom didnt have a big mouth I wouldnt have known anything. Makes me smile to know that she's so pleasantly devious.

I love her.