Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Reinvention of Self

I'm so sick of this place. I want to be gone. But I want the crew to come with. Which of course they can't.

As of late I have felt unsatisfied with the majority of things that once brought me great joy. DnD seemed bland this summer. CoH seems to hav become more like a competetion when I play with the crew. Except when I play with JHeet. But that's a rare opportunity.

Music is another good example. I love music, but as of late music just seems to not appeal to me. Concerts don't have the allure they once did. I used to live for concerts. But all this summer I just haven't felt like bothering. Pointfest was a good example. I was excited, but once I was there it was just kind of...meh.

Maybe it's just the stress of the summer collapsing in upon itself like a dead star. School will start soon, which simplifies things greatly but at the same time adds a whole new level of stress that makes me hurt slightly. I don't know. Maybe I'm just crazy.

Maybe it's time for a reinvention. A new way. A new method. But I wouldn't know how to go about it. I've been me my whole life, I've done the same thing for 19 (almost 20, now) years.

Lisa's birthday is this weekend. Her present should arrive tommorow. I get paid Friday. I get my hair cut Friday as well. To about the length it was when I got my DL picture.

Who's got two thumbs and is stressed about nothing in general but at the same time almost everything in general to the point where he almost wants to throw in the towel?

This guy.


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