Saturday, May 28, 2005

What Jhonen Vasquez Character Are You?

Thursday, May 26, 2005

For no reason other than that I kick ass

Now I work at Hot Topic. Yay for me and my kick ass-ness.

As much as I am enjoying and am sure I will enjoy my break, I can't wait 'till I'm back in Cape. It's a little less boring that Fulton there, and there's a certain someone down there I miss very much.

What's nine inches long and white? Nothing.

It never ceases to amaze me that so few people know the meaning of the word "cunnilingus."


Monday, May 23, 2005

It's Monday

It's that time again.

The song is Mein Hertz Brent (sp?) by Rammstein. Good song, romantic song (if you understand the translation at all), heavy song. I like Rammstein, I like this song. So should you.

Tomo I have an interview with the good people at Hot Topic about a job. Hope things go me way.

My laptop is gone. To where I'm not a hundred percent sure, but I know it has gone for repairs.

Aside from the two sessions of DnD, helping Lisa move, and seeing Star Wars Ep. III, I have had no contact with the outside world since I've been home for break. Lisa and I talk on the phone a lot, but no one else ever wants to do anything and she's 3 and half hours away so it's not like we can just hang whenever. Come on, fuckers...volleyball! Or frisbee! Something you sons of bitches!

That was mean.

I miss City of Heroes. I miss Midknight, I miss Asmod, I miss Jackrabbit. I miss playing with Dr. Van Helsing and Feyde. They were good kids. I also miss Lisa. A lot.

On a highly unrelated note...I cannot succesfully play a lawful good character. I just can't do it. Good yes. Lawful no. The farthest I can go in that department is neutral, and that's pushing it. My mindset is just too chaotic. If Dalton dies I'm picking up a Ninja/Ranger instead. Duel short swords, beotch!

"They should just put a button on him. 'Kick some ass! Kick some ass! Kick-Kick-Kick-Kick-Kick some ass, beotch!'" -Frank Caliendo about Bush

Friday, May 20, 2005

Good Haul

Went to the new super wal-mart in mexico with mutter tonite so she could pick up some things from the photo lab there. That place is fucking gigantic. Words cannot describe. I made the mistake of stopping by the 2 for $15 DvD rack. Mom made the mistake of stopping with me. $75 later I own the following: Rikki-Tikki-Tavi, Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure, Spaceballs, Killer Klowns from Outer Space and the classic Enemy Mine. DvD fest at my house tomo.

A Dirty Analogy

It's a lot like playing the spoons: it's hard to do on someone else's thigh.
-Adam Corolla

That made Zach and I chuckle for some time.

Monday, May 16, 2005

Song of the Week

Yea, I'm late, I understand. It's been a long day and Jimmy is sleepy. Got two inches taken off the mane today, then went and picked up applications in Como.

The song of the week is Your Eyes from the musical Rent. It's a good song. It's a good musical. This song was suggested by the beautiful and talented Lisa Curtis.

I broke my high e string on Helena today. Not even while playing. I played through my two Brand New songs (which are in Eb) and then went to tune to standard and the moment I turned the key she snapped. That's sad because I love those strings.

Pointfest was a good time. Unwritten Law disappointed me, though.

Wednesday I go back to Cape to help Lisa move into her apartment. I'm going to miss her this summer, so I'll be sure to drive down often and see her.

Now I shall bid you all adieu and chill for a bit.

Thursday, May 12, 2005


I title it that because that's where I am. Home 1. I call it that because Cape is home 2. But I'm not there now, I'm in Fulton.

Monday, May 09, 2005

Song of the Week

Monday. Of finals week. Took my first final about an hour ago. It's gonna be a good week. This week's song is Sic Transit Gloria (Glory Fades) by Brand New. I've fallen in love with Brand New, they have possibly the best written lyrics of anyone in their genre. It's good stuff. Look into it.

To JHeet: You should go to Pointfest with us. And when you buy CDs, look into the following on top of what we talked about last night:
Deja Entandu by Brand New
Elva by Unwritten Law
2112 by Rush

That'll do for now.

Sunday, May 08, 2005


Dalton is my planned character for Zach's DnD campaign this summer. He is a lawful good monk, human. He stands 5'7", weighs a meek 134 lbs, has bone white skin, jet black hair, and peircing blue eyes. He wears no shirt, black loose fitting pants, aand a pair of boots. He has taken a vow of poverty and carries with him no possesions aside from a walking stick. He has a mystical tattoo on his back that grows as he progresses in levels, slowly spreading over his body like black tentacles until, at lvl 20, his skin is as jet black as his hair. At level 11 he will pick up the Initiate of Pistis Sophia PrC, and should he die at all he will return with the Risen Martyr PrC.

His feat progression is as follows:

1- Sacred Vow, Vow of Poverty, Servant of the Heavens
2- Nimbus of Light
3- Dodge
4- Nymph's Kiss
6- Combat Expertise
6- Intuitive Attack
8- Stigmata
9- Mobility
10- Sanctify Ki Strike
12- Improved Critical (Unarmed)
12- Holy Radiance
14- Touch of Golden Ice
15- Spring Attack
16- Vow of Abstinence
18- Whirlwind Attack
18- Holy Ki Strike
20- Exhalted Spell Resistance

Ah...Stigmata...IN MY EYE! LoL. When Dalton uses Stigmata he will bleed from his eyes, much like tears.

The visuals I'm getting from this character are just making my day. Level tattooed with black tiger bands (think Kou from The Bouncer), surrounded by the undead hordes of whatever bastard god who's territory I'm encroaching upon, spinning in a whirlwind of fists and kicks, blow after blow finding it's mark on the damned around him, crushing skulls and breaking bones, moving like tornado through the masses.


I Would Like To Take This Opportunity...

To apologize to all my friends that have blogs, xangas, etc. for my lack of viewing your stuff. Since I lost my computer I lost all my bookmarks, and thats how I kept getting to your guys' pages. This list includes but is not in any way limited to: Lisa, DFord, Zach, Becca, and Rae. Drop me an email with your various HTMLs (because I know some of you keep 2 or 3) and I will pick the viewing back up. Sorry if I seem out of the loop.

Friday, May 06, 2005

Good Music

The remix of Get Back by Ludicris feat. Sum 41 is really an awesome song. I suggest you all download. I first saw it when they did it on SNL and was cracking up. It's awesome.

Speaking of SNL, tomo on SNL System of a Down is performing BYOB live. AH!

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

I'm just a girl...

Yay for No Doubt. That's one of my favorite songs of all time. I think that's a little funny myself.

Closing in on the last week of my first semester at SEMO. In retrospect I see a veritable moutian range of highs and lows, but overall I enjoyed the journey.

Lisa came over tonite. She just left. She was bored so we hung out for a while. Watched some TV. Then we went and got The Notebook from her room and put it in while I worked on her back. It's still playing. I worked on her back for nearly an hour before calling it in for a while. Greg called (I think that's who she said) and she left to meet him to go hang out. From what I hear of him he's good people, and she glows when she talks about him. That's always a good sign.

Chinga picked up a bigass bottle of SoCo (100 Proof, baby) and he, Mike, and Josh are currently knocking back double shots in his room. Josh is only doing single shots because he hates the taste.

I just took a double shot. Chased it with some Code Red. Note that bad. Not the best tasting of liqours, though.

I think I'm gonna crash for the evening now. Night all.

More songs that I can play

and love said no by HIM.

99 Red Balloons by Goldfinger.

The Last Song by The All American Rejects.

ATWA by System of a Down.

System of a Down and The Mars Volta are going to tour together this summer. Yay.

Monday, May 02, 2005

Song of the Week

Ah, another Monday. Damn I hate these.

On the plus side, it's time for another song of the week!

This week it's Fuck the Creationists by MC Hawking.

Some ingenious fucker took the voice modulator that Stephen Hawking uses and made a bunch of gangsta rap songs with it. Fuck the Creationists is just one, but it cracks my ass up. That and All My Shootings Be Drive Bys. It's funny, because he's in a wheelchair. You get it?

I'm still on Josh's comp. My poor Asmod, I miss it...