Sunday, May 08, 2005


Dalton is my planned character for Zach's DnD campaign this summer. He is a lawful good monk, human. He stands 5'7", weighs a meek 134 lbs, has bone white skin, jet black hair, and peircing blue eyes. He wears no shirt, black loose fitting pants, aand a pair of boots. He has taken a vow of poverty and carries with him no possesions aside from a walking stick. He has a mystical tattoo on his back that grows as he progresses in levels, slowly spreading over his body like black tentacles until, at lvl 20, his skin is as jet black as his hair. At level 11 he will pick up the Initiate of Pistis Sophia PrC, and should he die at all he will return with the Risen Martyr PrC.

His feat progression is as follows:

1- Sacred Vow, Vow of Poverty, Servant of the Heavens
2- Nimbus of Light
3- Dodge
4- Nymph's Kiss
6- Combat Expertise
6- Intuitive Attack
8- Stigmata
9- Mobility
10- Sanctify Ki Strike
12- Improved Critical (Unarmed)
12- Holy Radiance
14- Touch of Golden Ice
15- Spring Attack
16- Vow of Abstinence
18- Whirlwind Attack
18- Holy Ki Strike
20- Exhalted Spell Resistance

Ah...Stigmata...IN MY EYE! LoL. When Dalton uses Stigmata he will bleed from his eyes, much like tears.

The visuals I'm getting from this character are just making my day. Level tattooed with black tiger bands (think Kou from The Bouncer), surrounded by the undead hordes of whatever bastard god who's territory I'm encroaching upon, spinning in a whirlwind of fists and kicks, blow after blow finding it's mark on the damned around him, crushing skulls and breaking bones, moving like tornado through the masses.



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