Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Things I Think About In The Shower

I don't hate emo. I don't hate Dashboard. I hate the fact that nine times out of ten if I turn on an alternative radio station an emo song will be playing. I like at least something from every musical styling known to man. Even Dashboard. I'm actually quite impressed with the musical ability that's going on there, I just got burned out by it that first summer when it was on MTV2 every fifteen minutes for three months. They're good, but no one is that good.
I'm not an emo kid. I'm not a metal head. I'm not anything. I'm just me. I don't like to peg myself to any one kind of style. I like to think I'm too open minded for that. Maybe I'm not, but that's just me.
I don't hate anyone. Or anything for that matter. There are things that rub me the wrong way, definately, but I don't hate.
I am a hopeless romantic. Can't help it. I fall in love quickly, but falling out can take ages. That's just the way shit works.
I still wear makeup once in a while. Why? Because I wanna dammit. I'm not a drag queen, I do it for my own personal reasons. Why do women wear makeup? Because they wanna dammit.
I have my own personal religious beliefs. I'm polytheistic. That's just the way I am. I don't go to church and probably won't except for my marriage and if the wife wants to. I'm laid back enough that I can do that. I'm not a Satanist, and I'm not the progeny of the Devil. I don't push my beliefs on others for the simple fact that I know they don't care.
Sammie thinks a lot more clearly than she gives herself credit for. She can be a good source of advice. I rediscovered this fact last nite.
I think that's all I thought about in the shower out.

-El DiEgO


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