Monday, March 14, 2005

Is It Weird?

Is it weird that I'm not pissed? I was talking to Lisa last night and she made a comment about how the way I'm taking the her and Fister this is far different from the norm. While I know it probably is, I don't understand why. I did what I could. I tried to win her back. Hell, I did everything short of standing outside her window with a boom box ala Jon Cusack in Say Anything. But it didn't work. In the end all I want is for her to be happy.
Do I still love her. Of course. Then how can I just sit by like this? Well, I don't have many options. I'm not what she's looking for right now. And if it comes to me not being what she's looking for anymore, period, well that's what it comes to and I'm working on being prepared to accept that.
But I'm not going to be pissed. Not at Lisa. Not at Fister. There's no reason. All being pissy is going to do is ruin any future chances I have. That and it will ruin my friendship with Lisa, which I cherish more than anything right now. Having someone at school I can talk with is really all that's keeping me sane.
By sane I of course mean not crazy enough to be commited.


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