Tuesday, March 15, 2005


I've been really nastalgic lately. Thinking about the old days. Kathy Street. DnD. Been talking to Sammie a lot lately. She seems to have chilled out a bit. Good stuff. We still seem to be very good friends. Clayton did something that almost made me cry today.
I was backstage after rehearsal, waiting for Jeremy to get ready to go. Clayton comes walking up with his arms outstretched and goes "Give me a hug man. I miss you. I wish you were still aroud more. Stuff is just different when you're around. Better. I miss it."
Made me feel really good. I still remember when he used to live next door to me...that was like 10 years ago.
Today was so far the highlight of my break. There was the aforementioned goodness, also I went to the band comp and many people made sure to hug me or shake my hand and tell me they missed me. Made me feel wanted. Not something I feel very often.
To top all that off I won a radio contest today. Nothing fancy. I was listening to 94.9 the Brain on the way home from picking up Jer. It was the Super Zummy Super Show and the DJ was holding a contest to win a CD copy of the music on todays show. Todays show was all Super Mario Bros. Techno. The contest? Super Mario Trivia. One question, first caller in with the right answer wins. The question was how many coins does it take to get an extra life in SMB? The answer is of course 100 coins. I was the first caller, calling a whole 15 seconds after he announced the stations phone number. Because I kick that much ass. Jimmy out.

-El DiEgO


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