Monday, March 21, 2005

Something That Must Be Said

Before I leave to finish that damned cube I must write this.

I got the impression this weekend that a certain someone is upset with me. I won't say their name, but I think they know who they are and I think I know why they are upset.

It's about Lisa and I. They think I just layed down and gave up. That I'm denying my feelings and doing nothing but hurting myself.

Let me say something first off. I still love Lisa Curtis. I am still IN love with Lisa Curtis. Nothing, NOTHING in the whole world would make me happier than to be back together with her. Every night that is my last thought and every morn it is my first. But I can't make her love me. She has said several times not to write out the future, becuase who knows what's down the road. As said as it seems, I am holding on to that. If this is true love, like I think it to be, then we will get back together. If not, then we won't.

I did not lay idly by as Lisa moved on. You can ask her. On several occasions I pleaded my case. But it did no good. I HAVE to deny my feelings for her, now, becuase to act upon them would be ludicris. She feels for another. In our relationship all I wanted was for her to be happy. Even now all I want is for her to be happy, and her current does that for her. I just hope that one day I can do it again. But please, don't think less of me because I stopped fighting. I didn't give up, I just know that one has to choose his battle wisely or else victory is a dream. And so I bide my time. I haven't given up, but I have taken a break. The troops of my heart need some time to recoop. Think about that, would you, and please understand why I act the way I do.

To that someone who knows who they are.


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