Monday, March 21, 2005

Back In The Saddle Again

And by that I of course mean back in Cape. My dad brought me down, we arrived around 11:30. I then went to work on that damned cube for Schock. Dianne and I worked in the lobby of her floor, just got finished. And by finished I mean done cutting. Later today I have to spray paint and glue. Poor Dianne is real broken up about Yuki not being around, she's kinda lost without him. I can understand her, I kinda know what she is going through.

I am a blog addict. DFord and I were talking and somehow got on the subject of me blog and how I blog about EVERYTHING. I told him he was right, as of late I have found myself with an abundance of free time so I post in this when I get bored. At this point I informed him that I can now play guitar and type at the same time and do both well enough to suprise myself sometimes. That's when it hit me that I'm addicted. Anyway, I'm really tired now so I'm gonna crash. Hasta.


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