Friday, April 29, 2005

The Weekend Is Here

And so is the boredom. It feels like forever since I've spent a weekend in Cape and enjoyed it. The last time was of course when Guys and Dolls was running, but that was god awful long ago, ot at least it feels it. It's just me and Alex until tomo, he's next door in Mike and Joe's room. I'm so pissed at him. God. I think the girls are upstairs, but I'm not sure and not the kind of person to just go bustin' ass into their room uninvited. Bored.

Thursday, April 28, 2005

I think I have pink eye

But that's of no consequence to this posts contents.

Unless Osman comes up with something better the next time I talk to him, I'm naming the new guitar Helana. If any of you have any better suggestions please feel free to leave them. Why Helena? Because that was the first song I learned to play on the new one. Helana, by My Chemical Romance.

Last nite Jessie came back blasted drunk out of her mind, and I was recruited to try to get her back to her room and to sleep. Long story short I sat with her until she fell asleep. Now she says I'm her hero. LoL. I'm no hero. She was plastered, I was just willing to help take care of her.

Tomo night Jeremy and Rae arrive. Hurray. I almost want to call Jer and have him bring Gramps down so I can teach him some things. LoL. I wonder if Rae is bringing her guitar?

Now I need to sleep.

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Interpreting Dreams

From a convo between Sammie and I.

Sammie says:
are you any good at dreams?

James - So long and long, not goodnite... says:
a little, i guess

James - So long and long, not goodnite... says:

Sammie says:
the other nite i had a dream that i kept asking kevin questions and the only i ever got was "i'll tell you when you're older"

James - So long and long, not goodnite... says:
what questions?

James - So long and long, not goodnite... says:
off the top of my head i would describe it as thus:

James - So long and long, not goodnite... says:
its prolly a metaphor for your subconcious thinking that despite your age you haven't really "old enough," so to speak, probably brought about by the supposed lack of life exeriences that define a persons age

James - So long and long, not goodnite... says:
ie first kiss, first time making out, first drink, first time on your own, ect

James - So long and long, not goodnite... says:
you are just now getting to a point in your life where these things are occuring so for the first time you are "living," instead of staying at home on the computer

James - So long and long, not goodnite... says:
because even when you do that at college you still are forced to interact with people that arent your family

Sammie says:

James - So long and long, not goodnite... says:
so you have just begun to live in the metaphorical sense, so all the questions you were asking where probably similar to the questions a small child asks an adult, or at least were precieved as such by kevin, the subconcious manifestation of what you consider to be a person who has done more living than you

Sammie says:
you're better than a liitle ok

Sammie says:

James - So long and long, not goodnite... says:

James - So long and long, not goodnite... says:
im so so

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Song of the Week

Sorry it's late, my laptop is being stupid. The song of the week is Helana by My Chemical Romance. I can play, now I'm learning to sing it as I do so.


Long ago
Just like the hearse you died to get in again
We are so far from you

Burning on just like a match you strike to incinerate
The lives of everyone you knew
And what's the worst to take, from every heart you break (heart you break)
And like a blade you stain
Well I've been holding on tonight

What's the worst that I could say?
Things are better if I stay
So long and goodnight
So long not goodnight

Came a time
When every star fall brought you to tears again
We are the very hurt you sold
And what's the worst you take, from every heart you break
And like a blade you stain
Well I've been holding on tonight

What's the worst that I could say?
Things are better if I stay
So long and goodnight
So long not goodnight

And if you carry on this way
Things are better if I stay
So long and goodnight
So long not goodnight

Can you hear me?
Are you near me?
can we pretend,
to leave and then,
we'll meet again,
When both our cars collide?

What's the worst that I could say?
Things are better if I stay
So long and goodnight
So long not goodnight
And if you carry on this way
Things are better if I stay
So long and goodnight
So long not goodnight

My laptop is on its way back to the manufacturer to get fixed, because one of the pieces of hardware ker-ploded.

I know I've done something of interest since my last post, but for some reason I can't think of it. More on this later I guess.

Monday, April 18, 2005

Song Of The Week

Space Oddity, by David Bowie. Download it, hear it, love it.

Sunday, April 17, 2005


Today I learned to play both guitar parts for "The Quiet Things That Know One Ever Knows." Can't sing it yet, I seem to be getting a cold. Which sucks.

This weekend was a total bust. I didn't do a damn thing the entire time, I've never been so bored. I just don't feel motivated to do anything. Outside I can see some people playing frisbee. I want to play. But I know I won't go out there, because I feel ill and I don't know those people.

I often wonder if that's why all my best laid plans go awry, lack of motivation.

Pablo Francisco is possibly the funniest person ever.

Saturday, April 16, 2005


Plans for the evening being shattered like the stain glass window of a catholic church in Hell, I turned to my newly acquired copy of God of War. I bought it Thursday, just beat it. Good game, I recommend it to anyone who has built up anger and a desire to smash.

Now I need food. Maybe some of the people on 9th will get bored later and come down. Chances are I will just go play guitar in the lobby. It's so quiet here...

Friday, April 15, 2005

Just Me For The Weekend

The worst part is the silence.

Maybe something will come up in the morrow.


It's been a while since I've thought about my mother's father. I've never met him, never desired to. He walked out on my mom, grandma, and uncle when my mother was three, didn't contact them until I was 6 or 7.
I found out today that 5 years ago this stranger who has had such a major impact in my life died. My mom just found out this weekend. She got a copy of the obituary after she heard. No mention of cause of death, no mention of my mom or uncle either. She's getting a copy of the death certificate to see what caused it, make sure it isn't something genetic.
The best feeling in the entire world is when you wake up and know that somewhere out there is a person that has to see you. The knowledge that you are needed. Not for any particular reason, just the knowledge that for things to operate smoothly, you need to be there.
That's why I can't wait to be a father. Even though my children will probably be among the most twisted in the world, I can't wait for them to be there. As much as I say I hate children, it's a lie. I want them, and a family that goes with them. I almost had that, at least I thought I did.
But that's of no consequence to current times. What's done is done, it cannot be undone, nor would I wish it. I am what I am at this very moment because of all of the things that have happened to me up until now.
I need to clean.

Thursday, April 14, 2005

Lyrics To The Song Of The Week

We saw the western coast.
I saw the hospital.
Nurse the shoreline like a wound.
Reports of lover's tryst
Were neither clear nor descript.
We kept it safe and slow.
The quiet things that no one ever knows.

[Chorus (x2):]
Keep the blood in your head
And keep your feet on the ground.
Today's the day it gets tired.
Today's the day we drop down.
Give up my body in bed.
All for an empty hotel.
Wasting words on lowercases and capitals.

I contemplate the day we wed.
Your friends are boring me to death.
Your veil is ruined in the rain.
By then it's you I could do without.
There's nothing new to talk about.
And though our kids are blessed,
The parents let them shoulder all the blame.

[Chorus x2]

[Bridge (into faint of chorus) (x2):]
I lie for only you.
And I lie well.

[Chorus x2]

Monday, April 11, 2005

Song Of The Week

I think I'm going to start doing a song of the week on here. Starting today. Every Monday check back for the song of the week.

This week's song is "The Quiet Things That No One Ever Knows" by Brand New.

To Rae: Yea I didn't do it today, I didn't have time. I will let you know when I do, though, first thing.


You are a sock.

You are a cozy, fuzzy, warm-hearted person. A lot of your friends describe you as a hopeless romantic. You fall for the opposite sex very easily. But be careful, because usually you don't know what you are getting into, and because you are very sensitive, you can get hurt... especially in early relationships. Also, don't exclude the cold-hearted from your "want-list", because they just might be looking for a kind person to warm up their heart.... or a sock to warm up their feet.

Most compatible with: Toilet Paper.

Click here -- What Random Object Represents Your Inner Self?

Saturday, April 09, 2005

I am

Sick of things in general.

Friday, April 08, 2005


There is a massive hornet that seems hell bent on getting into my room. However, it is foiled continually by my blinds.

Thursday, April 07, 2005


Sunday, April 03, 2005

Confused Jimmy

That's what I am. A confused Jimmy. I have been for a little over a week now. Wish I knew what to do about it. Some say I should go to the source of the confusion and see if it works out, some say I should say fuck it and forget it. But of course seeing as how I'm both confused AND eL DiEgo I have no idea what to do. The correct answer of course is to go the source, but I'm a dumb pussy bastard. So there's a good chance that won't happen. Dammitall.

On another note I'm going to try to talk Josh into playing an acoustic song with me for the Battle of the Bands. Maybe have him learn the note part for Creep and play that. Or perhaps the guitar one fo Blood Red Summer. I'm feeling Creep, tho. Feeling that hardcore.

Friday, April 01, 2005

The epitome of a sad existence

Sitting alone in my room alone, the only person on a floor of 30-ish, eating a Lunchable Pizza Pack.

Sometimes it sucks being the Jimmy. It's hard, but someone has to do it. And I would rather it be me than someone else, the world deserves some joy. I shall carry my burden in hopes that I can bring joy to others. That is my lot in life, I'm like a trauma sponge.

Guitar Names

I have decided on the name for the acoustic. It shall be christened "Gramps," and retired upon my receival of the new guitar. The electric is Excalibur, the acoustic has been rechristened as Gramps. Now we just have to play with the new one and give it a name...