From a convo between Sammie and I.
Sammie says:
are you any good at dreams?
James - So long and long, not goodnite... says:
a little, i guess
James - So long and long, not goodnite... says:
Sammie says:
the other nite i had a dream that i kept asking kevin questions and the only i ever got was "i'll tell you when you're older"
James - So long and long, not goodnite... says:
what questions?
James - So long and long, not goodnite... says:
off the top of my head i would describe it as thus:
James - So long and long, not goodnite... says:
its prolly a metaphor for your subconcious thinking that despite your age you haven't really "old enough," so to speak, probably brought about by the supposed lack of life exeriences that define a persons age
James - So long and long, not goodnite... says:
ie first kiss, first time making out, first drink, first time on your own, ect
James - So long and long, not goodnite... says:
you are just now getting to a point in your life where these things are occuring so for the first time you are "living," instead of staying at home on the computer
James - So long and long, not goodnite... says:
because even when you do that at college you still are forced to interact with people that arent your family
Sammie says:
James - So long and long, not goodnite... says:
so you have just begun to live in the metaphorical sense, so all the questions you were asking where probably similar to the questions a small child asks an adult, or at least were precieved as such by kevin, the subconcious manifestation of what you consider to be a person who has done more living than you
Sammie says:
you're better than a liitle ok
Sammie says:
James - So long and long, not goodnite... says:
James - So long and long, not goodnite... says:
im so so