Saturday, October 29, 2005


That pretty much says it all. There is a party at the house in a few hours. I'm not sure how long I'll be there, Lisa isn't sure if she'll be up for it, but I'm gonna at least swing by and see Charles and company. Rae's gonna come with.

I need to nap.

I fell asleep in my dorm room last night at my desk. On my laptop keyboard. I slept through my phone ringing. It wasn't until 4:30 that I heard it at all, and that was the alarm for my Voicemail that went off. Four hous late. Then it's up at 8:30 to get ready for work, where much as it was last nite, it was a zoo. Last nite was slow but it still managed to be packed all night. And all day today.

$200 in ten minutes. With one cashier (not me). And one floor person running to get $200 worth of shoes and items off the high racks (me). In ten minutes.

Now I wish to nap again. I won't, but at least I can wish.

Diego's Endurance (General Feat)
You take longer to tire out, but when you do it's game over.
Prerequisites: Mass Dew Consumption, Insomnia, Late Night Gamer.
Benefit: Diego's Endurance allows you to completely ignore all penalties due to lack of sleep up to exhaustion. Once you reach the point of exhaustion, however, you immediately incur all retroactive penalties as well as the penalties for exhaustion, as well as having to make a Will saving throw (DC 25) or immediately fall into a coma like sleep lasting for at least 8 hours.

Friday, October 28, 2005

Comics of Comedy, November 11th

Or so says the commercial. That I just saw.

Lisa is in Tennesee at SETC. I hope she is having fun. I...I'm not not having fun, but I'm not up to my ass in a good time, either. Josh and Krista decided they would go out of town for the day, so I had no one to go see Inkognito and The False Affair with. Which, and if you've read past posts you should know this, means I didn't go. Kinda sad.

Tommorow night is Pirate Night at the House. I'm gonna go as a modern pirate. Nice clothes, top hat, and a bag of MP3s/loot.

Yay guitar.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Dieing a Little

I'm sick. My body hates me and I am ten pounds of suck in a 3 pound Jimmy. Currently I sit in Lisa's apartment feeling generally miserable. I didnt go to any of my classes today, I doubt I will go to my nightclass. Damn this disease. I hurt a little.