Thursday, February 17, 2005

I Feel...

Terrible. I just pushed Lisa away... as far away as I could. I told her not to talk to me until after SETC. I don't know if I can make it that long... but if things turn out like I think they will I will have to make a LOT longer... like an eternity.

She's such an angel, really she is. I don't know how I got so lucky. Karma smiled on me that day... November 19th, 2003. But on February 17th, 2005, Karma realized its mistake and fixed it.

No matter what happens between us, I just want Lisa to know that I want her to be happy. I'm well aware that this probably means not being with me... even as a friend... and I'm ready to accept that.

Oh who am I kidding?! I'm dieing inside! And not slowly, either. This is a quick death. By the end of the day I'm sure I'll be back to the cynacle, soul-less hole of a man I was before Lisa...

I hate me like that. I'm such a terrible person when I'm like that. I need to eat now... so I guess I will talk to you all later....


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