Saturday, February 12, 2005

1:17 in the AM

And I am bored off my ass. But not tired enough to sleep. Damn my semi-insomnia. Right now I'm watching REALLY old South Park (The Mexican Staring Frog of Southern Sri Lanka) because it's the only half interesting thing on. Mollie keeps talking to me, she wants to hang out the next time I'm home. Yipee fuckin skippy. I don't know when I'll be home next, and I don't really care. I don't wanna go home. I'm perfectly content to stay here, even if it means being alone in my room, such as I am now.
In retrospect I'm lying. I have no problem going home, if for nothing else I enjoy the chance to play CoH. I just wonder why people can't take the hint. I don't wana hang out with a majority of my "old clique" anymore because, well, frankly they piss me off. And they have for a while, but in HS they were the only people I had to hang with.
Mollie drives me nuts. Always has. It all stems from our relationship, I think. When we broke up I told her I just wanted to do it so I could sort some stuff out, mainly the whole thing with Desi, even though I didn't have feelings for her anymore she was being a real bitch to Mollie because she couldn't stand seeing us together. So the plan was remove Mollie from the situation that was upsetting her so much, chew Desi a new ass for being such a bitch, then pick up where I left off. The reason for removing Mollie? I was generally concerned that Desi or one of her friends would do something stupid and I didn't want that to happen. But she jumped right off the James wagon and moved on without a second glance. Even though I told her it wasn't gonna be a permanent thing. And then she expects us to continue being friends like we were before the relationship. Doesn't think there's gonna be any awkwardness. she kinda pisses me off. I got used to that after a while, I'm flexible. That and for the most part, on most subjects, I quit givin' a god damn after my junior year. Wow...I've never told anyone that story before. Feels good to get it out, even though I'm not sure if it makes sense.
People got mad at me towards the end of my junior year because they felt like I was abandoning them. No. I just had finally gotten really sick of seeing them. And I didn't have to be nice anymore because after the summer I would never have to see them again. Or so I thought. Didn't quite work out this way.

Here is a list of the old droogs that I can still stand to be around:

Becca (to an extent)

Now if you're not on this don't panic, it may very well be that I didn't include you in the "Old Droogs" category. If you're wondering, just ask me. I will be sure and let you know whether or not it would depress me terrible if you died.

What am I saying. None of the crew will ever see this. What a way to waste 23 minutes.


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