Sunday, April 30, 2006

The Inconsistency of Friends

I often like to boast about the amount of crap it takes for me to stop considering a person my friend. To some extent it's true. I can take a large amount of abuse, letting it roll off me like water off a ducks back. However there is an extent to my patience, and it usually comes when someone hurts a friend or family member enough that the law must become involved.

As far as most people know that is the only way out of a friendship with me. I wish it were so.

There is a much more practical method of breaking friendship with me, one that doesn't land you in jail. It is called time. Over time, as contact between myself and a person lessens, I slowly begin to stop counting them on the list of friends I have. Good examples of this are David Blakey, Corey Lord, David McCormick, and to a lesser extent Paul Barlog.

I can look back at my life from second grade on and note hundred of friends. However the list today is far smaller. And I have just removed one more.

I hadn't yet stopped considering Sutter a friend, but he was very close to being removed from the list. His temperment, unreliability, and growing eccentricity were beging to become a problem. And then he does this. Not only has he been removed from the list, he has been blacklisted. I'm not sure I've ever blacklisted someone. Well, someone besides Desi.

I am sickened by you, my former friend. Where is the man I grew up with? You have dishonored yourself, and in doing so dishonored me and our friendship. I am not sure what my reaction would be should I meet you in passing on the street, but you can rest assured it would not be a pleasant one.

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Work in progress

I'm just calling
to say I love you
but the words
never came.
And I'm just calling
to say I miss you
when you're gone
its just not the same

Am C
They say absence makes the heart grow
D G6
I'm here to tell you, it just isn't so
Am C
They say absence makes the heart grow
(let C ring)
Grow cold.

G Am C D

Monday, April 10, 2006

Man I Love My Hair

And I'm getting it cut down a couple inches. I have heard it was at it's best appearance in my senior pics, I don't know. I would have to look at 'em and think on it.

I skipped Yoga and Taekwondo today, because I had class from 8-9, modeled from 9-11, and got contracted by Ed Smith (sculpture teacher) to model from 2-5. Then I of course have class from 6-9. This may be the longest damned Monday ever.

Some nights I dream of a two story house with a white picket fence and a small dog named Atreyu. I like the name Atreyu. I used to want to name a child that, but I doubt his generation would understand that reference. Which of course makes me very sad.

I will have made like $45 today for sitting on my duff. Yay my duff.