Saturday, March 26, 2005

I Do My Best Thinking At 3 AM

I have always believed this and may always believe it.

I'm pulling MidKnight out of Dark Awakenings. The group just isn't what it used to be. I'll mark all the necesary people as friends, but I'm gonna set up my own. And I will be highly selective with my membership.

"The standard amount of grieving time is one week for every six months of the relationship."
-Whatever that comedy movie is about the snowboarders trying to stop their slope from being turned into a commercial resort.

15/6 = 2.5

Wow. I'm over.

"You're a better person because of it." No I'm not. I'm just different because of it. For better or worse I'm not sure, all I know is that I am simply the sum of my life experiences made whole. Every thought, every feeling, every love, every heartbreak, every good time, every bad. All the joy, all the pain. I am that personified. Though I may choose the path I take it is the path that forms me and makes me who I am. When it is all over I would like to think the paths were kind to me.

Reader Poll (leave a note, anyone can do it now, be sure to sign it):
Love - Emotion or just a word?

Watch An Evening With Kevin Smith.

I asked Alex the other day what the point of anal sex was. I don't understand it. "It's about dominating, you know, being in control of the woman and being able to use her as you see fit. When you're in there you know you're in control." My rebuttle was "I dominate via orgasm. When she's gotten to the point where she can't walk across a room to get a glass of water, I know I dominated. I don't need to be dick deep in ass to feel like I've acomplished something. I enjoyed myself, and so did she (which is all I'm after) so it's all golden. Plus I'm sure the woman would rather things go my way then yours."

Those Chinese stress relief balls do nothing for me but create more stress as I try to figure out how the hell to use them right.

We still talk. No I don't think it's awkward, no it doesn't make me feel weird.

The word weird is, well, weird.

I have never attended a mass and yet I know as many prayers as the average Catholic my age.

Superman may be a dick, but Bizzaro is a pussy. Only some of you will get that.

17 minutes. I'm done.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Movie: Out Cold.
Remind me to tell you what my flamboyant friend Anthony said about anal sex sometime.
Take it easy.

9:42 AM  

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